How do you show your clients LOVE?

What are some of your best practices and tips for making your customers/clients feel special? Are you doing anything special for your clients for Valentine’s Day? If you’d like to share, I’m writing an article about this very topic and would be glad to give reference to you (and your business) in the article. Send your tip to For each tip, you’ll be entered into my Valentine’s Day contest (see info below). I look forward to hearing your responses, and will post the article here on my blog when completed.
Now, one of the ways I like to make my customers feel special is by sending them an unexpected greeting card…when they get some good press, they’ve lost a couple pounds and shared with a list I’m on…anything that they need a little “pat on the back” for or “just because.” And sometimes I even add in a gift card to Starbucks or Home Depot or another of the many gifts cards available. If you’d like to discover how you can send personalized greeting cards to your clients (from your computer, any time of the night or day), go to and request a no-obligation demonstration AND you’ll be entered into our Valentine’s Day Contest to boot!
Here are the Valentine’s Day Contest prizes:
*Ten (10) greeting cards (plus postage) through SendOutCards ($25 value) - 2 prizes, 2 winners
*One personalized handwriting font ($49 value) - 1 winner

Here are several different ways to enter (You can enter more than one way):
1. Send your tip for making your customers/clients feel special and receive one entry for the greeting card prize. Send 2 tips and receive 2 entries, etc. Send your tips to
2. Request and complete a no-obligation demonstration of our personalized greeting cards and receive one entry for the greeting card prize. Request your demonstration here. (Enter A Card For You! as the coupon code.)
3. Refer someone to me (they must complete the demonstration) and receive one entry for the greeting card prize. They can request their demonstration here. (Have them enter your name as the person who referred them as the coupon code.)
4. Sign up as a SendOutCards customer through me and receive one entry for the personalized handwriting font.
There’s lots of ways to enter! All entries must be received by midnight Central time on Tuesday, February 13. Winners will be announced by Noon on February 14, 2007.
Hey that's a quite a lot of info you've posted here...and a great way to celebrate Valentines Day...thanks for sharing all of them....well i've also posted a few stuff for Valentines Day over at my blog so drop by sometime and check out all that's there!!!
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